Take control of your finances and be on the road to becoming debt free!

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Debt counselling is the process of assisting consumers who have debt related problems. With the total consumer debt exceeding R1.4 trillion in South Africa alone, there is a growing need for professional debt assistance. Debt is unfortunately a harsh reality for many people – with thousands of individuals struggling to make ends meet, assistance is often needed.

Skuldberading is die proses van hulpverlening aan verbruikers wat skuld probleme het. Met ‘n totale verbruiker skuld van meer as R1.4 triljoen in Suid-Afrika alleen, is daar ‘n groeiende behoefte aan professionele hulp. Skuld is ongelukkig ‘n harde werklikheid vir baie mense – met duisende individue wat sukkel om ‘n ordentelike bestaan te maak, is hulp dikwels nodig.

How Does Debt Counselling Work?

A debt counsellor will draft a budget for you – this will reflect your income less your expenses (mortgage, food, school fees, etc.). The debt counsellor will then establish an affordable repayment instalment for you, according to the money you have available. Your debt counsellor can also negotiate with your creditors on your behalf, to obtain reduced premiums for you, allowing you to pay off your debt in a reasonable period of time.

The debt counselling process often includes the following services:

Professional budget advice
Payment restructuring
Negotiating with credit providers
Monitoring payments
Providing after-care support

At Help My Debt we handle all the negotiation on your behalf and take care of the entire administration process, as outlined by the NCA. We help you to regain your financial freedom by providing professional debt counselling services according to your unique needs. We work to deliver a professional and focused service to over-indebted consumers.

Hoe Werk Skuldberading?

‘n Skuldberader sal ‘n begroting vir jou opstel – dit sal jou inkomste minus jou uitgawes (verband, kos, skoolgeld, ens.) weerspieël. Die skuldberader sal dan ‘n bekostigbare terugbetaling paaiement vir jou vasstel, volgens die geld wat jy wel beskikbaar het. Jou skuldberader kan ook namens jou onderhandel met krediteure om verminderde premies vir jou te kry, sodat jy jou skuld binne ‘n redelike typerk kan afbetaal.

Die skuldberading proses sluit dikwels die volgende dienste in:

Professionele begrotingsadvies
Herstrukturering van jou betalings
Onderhandeling met krediet verskaffers
Die oorsien van betalings
Die verskaffing van addisionele ondersteuning

By Help My Debt hanteer ons al die onderhandeling namens jou en behartig die hele administrasie proses, soos uiteengesit deur die NKW. Ons help om jou finansiële vryheid te herwin met die hulp van professionele skuldberadingsdienste volgens jou unieke behoeftes . Ons werk om ‘n professionele en gefokusde diens te lewer aan oorverskuldigde verbruikers.

The Benefits of Debt Counselling

By making use of a professional debt counsellor, you can benefit from the following:

One affordable instalment
Legal protection from your credit providers
Enough money to cover your basic monthly living expenses
We negotiate on your behalf with credit providers
You will be on the road to becoming debt free

For more information on our debt counselling services, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Die Voordele van Skuldberading

Deur gebruik te maak van ‘n professionele skuldberading , kan jy voordeel trek uit die volgende :

Een bekostigbare paaiement
Regs beskerming van jou krediet verskaffers
Genoeg geld om jou basiese maandelikse lewenskoste te dek
Ons onderhandel namens jou met krediet verskaffers
Jy sal wees op die pad om skuld vry

Vir meer inligting oor ons skuldberading dienste, kontak ons gerus.

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